Cookie policies eng

Cookie policy

Cookies are little pieces of code that web sites are able to store inside your web browser, in order to make the web site itself more functional. Some cookies, however, may require user’s consent.

Cookies used for technical and statistical purposes

Activities needed for the site to work properly

This web site uses cookies in order to handle the session of the user and complete activities necessary for the web site to work correctly.

Other Cookies and third party tools

Some of the following services gather information and might not request direct consent to the final user nor to the owner of the web site.

Each service used is reported here, with links to their privacy and cookie policies.

Interaction with social services

These services allow integration between this web site and several social networks. Interactions and information gathered on this web site by such services are regulated by the privacy settings of the User and by the term of such services. Some of these services may also gather information on users which are not logged in.

+1 Button and Google+ social widget (Google Inc.)

Collected information : Cookie e general usage data.

Country: USA – Privacy Policy

Tweet widget and button by Twitter (Twitter, Inc.)

Collected information : Cookie e general usage data.

Country: USA – Privacy Policy

Like button and social widget by Facebook (Facebook, Inc.)

Collected information : Cookie e general usage data.

Country: USA – Privacy Policy


Services contained in this section allow gathering anonymous data for statistic purposes in order to analyze web traffic and most visited sections.

Google Analytics with anonymized IP  (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”).

The integration with the website has being configured in order to anonymize your IP address. In addition, information gathered on this web site cannot be used by Google in other services of its network.

Collected information : Cookie e general usage data.

Country: USA – Privacy PolicyOpt Out

How can I control the way Cookies are installed on my computer?

In addition to what said above, users can change their cookies preferences directly in their web browser and block cookies stored by third parties. Users can also delete any cookie stored inside the browser with the inclusion of the cookie used to give consent to this web site to store cookies. Users can find more information on how to do so here: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari e Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Finally, users can always check the privacy settings of the third party services used by this web site.